Lion of Judah society California
LOJiQAL (Lion of Judah Society California)
LOJiQal - True and Faithful to the Word of Jah made manifest in the flesh as the Spirit of prophecy according to the revelation of these times in light of the exemplary character of the Son of the Living God Iyesus Kristos born of virgin Mary as confirmed of I&I Father Holy, The Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, His Imperial Majesty Qedamawi Haile Selassie, Elect of God, King of Kings of Ethiopia! In I-tinual support for the Lion Of Judah Society Mission Inc. as Co-Laborers.
Description of (LOJiQal) purpose and services; accepted and approved as an I-ficial Co-Laborer as well as a recognized representative of the "Lion of Judah Society". Working from and established in California as an extended campus (Branch) of the "Lion of Judah Society", although not at all limited to that geographical location or any other particular area from whence LOJiQal operates!
THE WISE MIND OF EMPEROR HAILE SELASSIE I - His Majesty as Minister of Education
- The solid basis for all lies in education. It is education which allows people to live together, and makes them avoid the pitfalls of immorality, and induces respect for the law. Truly, the attainment of these high aims is based on education, the helping of people to live together, to avoid indulgence, immorality and lawlessness...
- Education of the youth is the surest guarantee for a better life.
- A well informed public opinion is essential to the growth of political and social awareness. Only he who is informed can comment intelligently on his nation's development and only by such comment can errors be corrected and progress stimulated.
- The construction of edifices for required schools is not the real problem; the problem is to awaken the people to the need for such schools...
- A fundamental objective of the university must be the safeguarding and the developing of the culture of the people which it serves.
- Man would prefer to speak of his nation in terms of its educated men and women rather than by recounting the size of its population.
- The mere existence of a fund of knowledge is not enough; unless knowledge is nurtured and nourished by devoted teachers and eager students alike, it will, like a pool of water following the rains change its hue and slowly disappear...
- As the Gospel tell Us, a house built upon strong foundations can never be overthrown by storms. Similarly, when people are built up with minds well formed by education and knowledge, no trial of whatever kind can conquer them.
- From truth alone is born liberty and only an educated people can consider itself as really free and master of its fate.
LOJiQal in focus is, has been and will proceed in establishing a Network of Educators (as part of its goal for the oncoming time is; not only a tightly knitted Network of L.O.J.S. Educators but a system of accreditation globally honored and accepted everywhere from whence position the "Lion Of Judah Society" is then able to serve as an alternative solution to the standard academic and university school system)... establishing a Network of Educators throughout the Ras Tafari Ethiopian Hebrew Israelite Christian common-Unity to further the active Vision of H.I.M. "His Imperial Majesty" in Kristos Iyesus and I&I Life’s Progress (as well as that of Ethiopia) collectively and individually.
a) This includes all learned arts, the study of all hueman knowledge, skills and performance in all fields, aspects and experience of the life’s journey
b) an education which (fully/Holy) prepares man to the image and likeness of I&I good Creator and His Righteousness through conducting I&I self in the way that I&I Ancient Holy Scriptures teach I&I to do so. This then resulting in the restoration of man to the First Power of the Trinity...Spirit of Truth, Healthy Soul, & Good Life upon earth!
c) Spiritual and Secular advancement
important note: The " Lion Of Judah Society" or One Ras Iadonis Tafari is NOT accountable and/or responsible for any of the programs and/or projects initiated by its extended campus (branch) in California "LOJiQal" nor is it to be entangled with any direct associations that the founder of "LOJiQal", Emmanuelle Sainte, may have! Such as Block History, First Fruits Foundation, KROV 91.1 FM Oroville Community Radio or G.A.M.E.AMP.org ; unless specifically and willingly agreed upon by one Ras Iadonis Tafari, chief representative for the "Lion Of Judah Society".
In regards to intellectual property, I Emmanuelle Sainte request full recognition as originator of the "1st Fruit’s Foundation (For H.I.M.) Education! The concept/idea having come to light as a direct result of the G.A.M.E. AMP sponsored annual "Block History" event for 2015. Including recognition as founder of the F3E - 1st Fruit’s Foundation & Education for H.I.M. ViZion & Next Generation's Groundation co-laborer committee. The latter mentioned is still a work in progress the which upon completion, an I-ficial proposal plan will be sent on behalf of "LOJiQaL" to the "Lion Of Judah Society" main office for revision. In addition to the above stated; the actual body design (that is to say, curriculum for "F3E" 1st Fruit’s Foundation & Education for H.I.M. ViZion) have likewise been created and organized according to the "LOJiQal" counsel.
F4 (1st Fruit’s Fund-In) project will serve as the "F3E" - (1st Fruit’s Foundation & Education's) FUNDING SOURCE - F4 - C. {commerce) E. (enrichment) of F3
"LOJiQAL": The Common-Unity outreach Education Ministry seeks to build effective relations which strengthen with the passing of time rather than weaken. Accomplished through the Love which unites I&I as One {I&I Black LORD and Savior Iyesus Kristos} and with those Elect True and Faithfull called of the Majesty on High, Qedamawi Haile Selassie whom hath named I&I in His Marvelous light to full salvation (health). First to the (Ethiopian) Black Hebrew Israelite diaspora, then to the nations.
Objective: completely/fully/Holy/accurately express, translate, transfigure, transcribe His Imperial Majesty Qedamawi Haile Selassie in Light of Iyesus Kristos/Yeshua HaMessiach -
express the Holy Scriptures revealed as and in H.I.M. Qedamawi Haile Selassie through I&I as the Person of the Holy Spirit made flesh to the diaspora scattered throughout all the nations - which is to I&I once lost now found Black sheep of the House of Israel. As promised to I&I in His Word! (The Holy Bible) manifesting to I&I the full restoration of HIS Kingdom! His will Reigning/Governing over I&I perfectly on earth as it is in Heaven without "sin" (without missing the mark") in Spirit and in Truth praising and worshipping Jah such as pleased I&I Father that it be done!
Goal: promote and indorse educational services and true L.O.J.S. Teachers
Offered services: The C. (common) U. (Unity) E. (enrichment) - C.U.E. PLAY AND PRAY
P.L.A.Y. = 1. Production 2. Literacy 3. Art 4. Youth
P.R.A.Y. = 1. Prophetic 2. Reading's 3. Art 4. Youth
Art exhibits - Film Festivals & Educational Workshops
Three (3) planned events per year
event 1.) BLOCK HISTORY/Block Market Play Projects - (February-March)
Block History and Block Market (annual event) - Media Literacy and Cultural Education
the Story of H.I.M... His influence and impact
physically ... etc.
Collectively as well as Individually
Spreading the GOOD {NEWS} N. (North) E. (East) W. (West) S. (South)
Revealing H.I.M. "His Imperial Majesty" through Our Testimony of what He hath done for Us, and how He hath Blessed Us with Life more abundantly in Kristos Iyesus!
Learn the other half of His Story not told! Block History for the Love of HuEmanity!
event 2.) May 5th - Five by Five Liberation from SIN Celebration Day by Proclamation of the King of Kings of Ethiopia - El Olam
event 3.) T.B.A.) To Be Announced; scheduled for Hebraic fall season Feast Days?
Promote/Advertise through 1. Audio 2. Visual 3. Printed 4. Social Frameworks
"LOJiQAL" Home Base: {Satellites}
- HAITI (Cabaret)
- MEXICO (Baja California, Ensenada)
Support attainment:
- Manufacture Productions
- Create Products
- 3 annual {promotional}events set to generate resources and funding of all types
- volunteers & international commitments
To be realized by utilizing current social network infrastructure to continue skill and network building and student building...by way of